GET FIT founder Eugen Leibman and franchisee Hassan Chilli in an interview

The GET FIT studio chain has grown rapidly. There are already 20 systems of the reduced-staff studio concept. In particular, the advance sales figures for the individual locations are remarkable. We spoke to GET FIT founder Eugen Leibman and franchisee Hassan Chilli about what they consider to be the most important success factors of pre-sales.

The most important thing in brief:

  • There is no perfect pre-sale; instead, there are success factors such as timing, location and omnipresence.
  • Creative approaches such as media days, VIP reopening invitations and attractive early bird discounts are helpful for a successful new opening campaign.
  • A lucrative offer and the implementation of success factors can lead to successful pre-sales, whether in the premium or discount sector.
  • Good support after contract conclusion is important in order to retain members in the long term.

BODY MEDIA: What does the perfect pre-sale look like for you?

Eugen Leibman: In the last ten years and the 20 already opened GET FIT-I've personally tried out a few clubs in advance. From my point of view, there is no perfect pre-sale, but Success factors, which I would like to discuss in more detail. A successful pre-sale is due, among other things, to the factors Timing, location and omnipresence Dependent.In the fitness industry, there is months, which is ideal for a new opening suitable. Who in first quarter planning a new opening one year, he has the best chance of success. It is also last quarter Promising of the year. I personally advise against a new opening between May and August. The right location. In a completely oversaturated market with competitors who have a comparable price-performance ratio, it is all the more important to perform even more so that customers change or opt for the new studio. I recommend the market in advance to analyze precisely or to take the smart way of opening locations where little competition is available. Also very important is a Omnipresence. The goal of a successful pre-sale should be in advance maximum touchpoints online and offline with the target group to create. The perfect new opening campaign for gyms requires a careful planning andcreative approachesto attract potential members. There are a few ideas for this, such as media days, such as exclusive VIP reopening invitations for influencers and entrepreneurs, attractive early bird discounts, cooperation with local companies and free trial sessions over a period of 14 days. The combination of various elements of Online and offline measures creates the optimal basis for a successful pre-sale and new opening with a direct or timely break-even.

Hassan Chilli: For me personally, the most important success factor was holistic appearance on the social media channels, right from the start. By this I mean that everything from signing with the landlord to opening is published via Facebook, Instagram, etc. Every little thing should be recorded and posted via video, even though it may be insignificant in the eyes of the operators. It must be structured like a story.

In GET FIT Hunfeld We published three to four posts every week about the construction progress. For example, it was posted what color was used to paint the wall, who works there, which trainers are helping to give the whole thing a face, and of course the Opening offer pointed out.

It is important to use the 3D visualization to show the design and point out when a trainer will be on site. It is essential to ensure that Questions via email and instagram thus swiftly as possible answered become.

20 GET FIT locations have already been opened. Obern in the middle. Eugen Leibman with his wife Anela (image source: © Vitalis Verwaltungs GmbH)

BODY MEDIA: Online or offline? Which variant is more suitable for pre-sale?

Eugen Leibman: We primarily reach our target group online with our Ads/ads on the platform META and Google. If the timing, location of the studio and online presence are right, 100 presale memberships are a minimum goal.

Hassan Chilli: You should do both. We focus on the online marketing via Instagram, Facebook, Google etc. In Hünfeld, we have put up a huge banner right in front of the studio on a busy street with the opening date, a great picture and a QR code that leads directly to online membership. Since it was placed in the middle of the city center, everyone noticed it. This shows that the location of the studio is an important success factor.

BODY MEDIA: You have experience in both the premium and discount segments. How does pre-sales differ in these two segments? What experiences have you had?

Eugen Leibman: My experience is that the higher the monthly amount for a contract, the end consumer's willingness to conclude it in advance decreases. How many competitors are on the market is also an important factor. When you're with a very Lucrative offer starts And the implements success factors, In both the discount and premium sectors, the Pre-sale successful be.

BODY MEDIA: How far in advance of a studio opening should you start pre-selling? Which phases can advance sales be divided into and which organizational steps shape these phases?

Eugen Leibman: A pre-sale should be approx. Three months in advance Take place. It is difficult for me to address the individual phases and organizational steps in this interview, as it would go beyond the scope. To abbreviate: We warm up prospects first with our ads and that Target Is it then within pre-sale, Those To turn interested parties into members.

BODY MEDIA: How much should operators invest to make pre-sales successful? Are there any key figures that guide you?

Eugen Leibman: First of all, there must be between online budget For the advertisements And the Expenses For the Differentiated offline advertising Become. A realistic indicator for rural areas in the area of online advertising Should at 50€ per day Lie down. That is then 1,500€ per month. A three-month advance sale then results in the sum of 4,500€.

At the offline advertising On average, for flyers, banners, A1 posters and other advertising materials, we give approx. €5,000 Off. There are also additional costs for creating advertisements, landing pages, creatives and the graphic design of various necessary materials.

So you are at a Microstudio concept In rural areas at approx. 15,000€ For one Advance sales without personnel costs for distributing, hanging up advertising materials and placing advertisements. In Larger Cities with More Competition, you can quickly double this guideline. What is important is that this budget is a very well-spent investment.

On the opening days of the latest GET FIT clubs, those responsible were able to register between 175 and 290 members (image source: © Vitalis Verwaltungs GmbH)

BODY MEDIA: How many completed memberships are possible through a successful pre-sale? What experiences have you had here in both the discount and premium segments?

Eugen Leibman: Our claim is 100 Memberships for New Openings Into Pre-sale to achieve. With the five facilities that we have opened in the past six months, we were able to register between 175 and 290 members on the opening day. The figures should always include the catchment area and the current response rate, which in Germany is 12.4%.

BODY MEDIA: What needs to be considered after the contract has been concluded so that the newly acquired member remains loyal to the studio for as long as possible?

Eugen Leibman: A Good onboarding And one or the other “magic moments” are a good basis. Quick response times For inquiries and a friendly team Are also very important. According to our figures, members stay in our gyms for approximately 17.8 months.

Hassan Chilli: The most important things are Kindness and helpfulness. For the first three to four weeks, I was on site as an owner in the studio myself. Here, it is advisable to be on site with several trainers, as we had up to 20 interested parties in the studio at the same time, for example, right after the opening.

At GET FIT Hünfeld we have the Opening offer Yet continued for ten days And thus set a deadline for all customers. There was also increased advertising to bring friends, acquaintances and family members along. In Hünfeld, we broke even before the opening, and that was despite two competitors. For me personally, pre-sales were a big success story.

BODY MEDIA: What mistakes should be avoided at all costs when selling in advance?

Eugen Leibman: One of the biggest mistakes is not being visible, because Maximum visibility Is One of the most important success factors. The operators who go into pre-sales with great passion and focus are the most successful.

Another factorThat man Absolutely avoid Should, is that Too little budget Into the online advertising Is invested. I am happy to provide an insight into an important calculation basis to understand how important online marketing is: We have a CPA (cost per action) of around €30 per member at our 20 GET FIT Group locations. That is the cost of advertising on META and Google to attract a member. This member stays 17.8 months on average. This value is called LTV (lifetime value). If we can achieve an LTV of 17.8 months with an average contribution of €30 per month (CPA), that means income of at least €534 plus an admission fee.

In addition, this member can persuade other friends to join through various measures. It is important to note that online marketing must be implemented professionally. We work closely with you in this area SANTANA together.

Hassan Chilli: The biggest Mistakes Is social media toward Neglect.

BODY MEDIA: Thank you so much for the interview.

Image source: © Vitalis Administration GmbH

Source: Bodymedia


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